黛布拉科比 Featured in Business 保险 Magazine

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Workplace violence is on everyone’s minds these days. 然而,, employers are largely unprepared for the day-to-day violence and threats that may occur in the workplace. 全球 Service Line Leader 黛布拉科比 offers her thoughts on this topic in Business 保险 magazine’s February 2024 issue, along with her insights on the importance of developing effective workplace threat assessment programs.

Read the article “Workplace Violence Concerns Broaden” 在这里.

Learn more about Jensen Hughes' Workplace Threat + Violence Risk Management 服务.

Headshot of 黛布拉K. 科比

关于 the author

黛布拉K. 科比
Debra brings command experience in patrol operations, investigations, organized crime, law enforcement training, policy development, data-led policing and internal affairs with an acute focus on integrity systems, covert operations and the need for strong accountability practices in support of operational priorities.